There seems to always be a new trend in the corporate world. Recently, The Great Resignation was all we could read about every time we opened LinkedIn. Now, it's "quiet quitting." Contrary to popular belief, quiet quitting does not involve an employee actually quitting their job. It refers to an employee only doing what is laid out in their job description and nothing more without some form of extra compensation. It is a new way of fighting for work-life balance and moving away from the popular hustle culture.
This can be a scary thing for employers to learn about. Of course they want employees to stay engaged and be happy in their job. But they need to balance that with the occasional need to request extra effort or put in additional time from them. There are some things employers can do to prevent their employees from participating in the anti-work movement of quiet quitting.
Pay people what they deserve As an employee continues to take on more tasks or is performing exceptionally well, they deserve to be compensated for that. Understandably, it's not always appropriate to increase someone's pay without due process, but there are other incentives that can be considered. Perhaps increased PTO, enhanced benefits or 401k match can be incorporated into your employees' compensation. Employees today seek jobs that will appropriately compensate them for their work.
Recognize a job well done It seems simple, but recognition is necessary when you want to keep employees engaged. According to Quantum Workplace, organizations with formal recognition programs have 31% less voluntary turnover than those that don't. Be sure to regularly and authentically recognize your employees hard work. Beyond regular recognition, take an interest in your employees' lives. Learn about their hobbies and interests outside of the workplace. This genuine interest in their lives goes a long way.
Prevent burnout Burnout is a main contributor to quiet quitting. Hybrid work has its perks, but it makes it challenging for employees to completely unplug and recharge when needed. If someone is taking PTO, encourage them to leave their laptops at home and enjoy their time out of the office. As a manager, if you notice an employee seems tired or stressed, encourage them to take a day off. Anything you can do to work towards preventing burnout will benefit both your company and employees.
In the end, it all comes down to setting expectations and opening the door to communication. Creating an environment where your employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns and expectations is key. The corporate norms are changing, and if you want to keep your employees and attract new ones, organizations must adapt and change with them.